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So back in 2016, I introduced the Super Summer Spiff Up.  It didn't go much of anywhere because, let's face it, I'm not a good blogger.  But I keep trying.  So today is a new day, and I will try again.  Yesterday I sat down and created a calendar for the month of June with projects I want to complete.  Here it is:

I'm sure you don't need to complete the same projects as me, but if you want to download my calendar, you can do that here.  I also have a blank calendar that you can fill in with the projects you would like to complete in June.  You can download it here.

I will only have a June Super Summer Spiff Up calendar because the Clean House Calendar Fall Cleaning Schedule starts July 18.  I should have Clean House Calendars ready to purchase by the last week in June. I don't know if they will be in my Etsy or TPT store.  I will let you know soon. 

Enjoy, B.


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