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Fall Cleaning & Holiday Prep Schedule 2022

The Clean House Calendar Fall Cleaning and Holiday Prep Plan starts the week of July 18th.  

Starting Tuesday, July 19 the task list for Tuesday in the Clean House Calendar Planner will list an area to be cleaned and organized or an activity to complete to prep for the holidays.  All of these tasks are assigned to Tuesday, however, some of these tasks will take more than one day to complete.  I thought it would be nice to have a full schedule of these tasks in one location hence the Fall Cleaning & Holiday Prep Schedule was born.  You can download the Fall 2022 version here.  Follow the same printing directions as my last post.

Remember, these documents are not written in stone.  Make them work for you.  If you have a room that's not listed, find a good place and put it in the schedule.  Don't have a room listed?  Yay, free week!  Still too hot to clean the garage in September?  Move areas around.

I hope you find the schedule beneficial.  B.


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