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Media/Game Closet Cleaning Checklist


The spring cleaning task for this week is the media/game closet.

When we built our house, we ran wires from a small linen closet to the wall above our fireplace, where we placed our TV.  That way, the cable box, the DVD player, and all the required wires were hidden.  At that time, we stored all of our media equipment, DVDs, and board games in that closet.  Over the years, our media needs have changed, and there is no longer any equipment in the closet, but we still store DVDs (yes, we still have those) and our board games in that closet.

As you know, the Clean House Calendar is based on what I needed to keep my own house clean and organized. Therefore, I needed to include the media/game closet in my cleaning schedule.  You may not have such a closet, but I'm sure you have an area or two where you store your media (vinyl, DVDs, 3D glasses, games systems, and accessories) and your board games and puzzles.  Those areas are what we are focused on this week.  

Here is the cleaning checklist to help you clean and organize those areas.  It was written for a closet but modify it to fit your needs.  Click on the image to download your own copy.

Enjoy!  B.


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