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 Happy New Year!

I spent December really evaluating my current situation and planning for 2021 and the future.  I have several goals for the new year and one of those is to have this blog up and running.  So expect some positive changes here on the Clean House Calendar blog.

One of the things I was able to do last year was to get the 2021 Clean House Calendar Monthly Calendar created and ready to sell in my Etsy shop.  However, due to some changes at Etsy, my shop is closed right now.  Good news for you, because I'm giving the first 6 months of 2021 to you as a freebie.

While I was away teaching I started using the Happy Planner.  Stickers are so much fun.  So now I decorate the Monthly Clean House Calendar with stickers as well.  Here is how I decorated mine for the month.  

Remember the Clean House Calendar Monthly Calendar is designed to print on 11 x 17 paper.  I have an old comb binding machine so I punch and bind my calendar that way but you can hole punch it and then put it on rings, or just use thumbtacks or magnets.  Whatever works for you.

You can download the file here.

Enjoy, B.


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