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School/Craft Supply Organization

It's Back to School time!  Time to buy all those new school supplies.  Do you buy extras to have some at home for homework or to give your kid's teacher for the students who couldn't afford supplies?  Do you have all used supplies that came home at the end of the school year or were left over from previous school projects or you needed for scouts or class parties or Sunday School?  I did.  I do.

So several years ago I set up a system to corral all of the extra school stuff and craft supplies we had lying around.

All of the lower cabinets in my kitchen (except for under the sink) are drawers.  I planned it that way when we built our house, and I love it.  So when setting this system up, I decided to dedicate one of these drawers to house all the stuff.  Then I sorted all the stuff into categories, counted my categories, and headed to Wal-Mart to buy a bunch of pencil boxes.

This system has worked marvelously over the years and continues to.  In fact, my college-aged daughter can still be found rifling through the drawer and the box of magnetic letters headed to Missouri State on Sunday.

One of the things on The Clean House Calendar Wednesday task list is to spend an hour cleaning and organizing the kitchen, and this is what I worked on today.  Over the years I have lost boxes, found boxes, and reorganized, so my drawer looked a bit ratty.  

Last week when I was in Wal-Mart, (Which doesn't happen very often anymore.  Yay, grocery pick-up.) I walked through the school supply section and grabbed a few matching pencil boxes to update this drawer.  Armed with these new boxes and my label maker I went to work.  

Here is my reorganized School/Craft Supply drawer!

Now is the time to set up your own system.  Choose a space near the spot your kids do homework.  Choose a space they can get in and out of on their own.  Buy your pencil boxes now while you can find them and they are relatively cheap.

Happy organizing, B.


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