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Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2024!  Welcome to the Clean House Calendar!  I'm Britia (pronounced Brita, like the water filter.)  And this is my little home on the internet.

Have y'all ever picked a 'Word of the Year' or participated in the 'One Little Word' challenge?  class?  I decided this year I would pick a 'Word of the Year.'  A word that will focus and guide my goals for the year.  My "Word of the Year' is FAITH.  

Matthew 17:20 says, You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” NLT  Then Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." KJV defines faith as "confidence or trust in a person or thing or belief that is not based on proof."  Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." 

I chose the word 'faith' because I want to grow my Christian faith, but I also feel like I've been sabotaging myself from meeting my goals the past few years out of fear.  I want to stop doing that.  I want to step out in faith and trust that I will meet my goals this year.

One of those goals is to completely declutter and organize my home this year.  I know what you're saying. "You have a blog called the 'Clean House Calendar!'  Yes, I do.  And if you were to come into my home, you would find a clean house.  But I've seen my closets and know I can do better in the decluttering and organization department.  I want this to be the year.  Next January, I want to be able to open any closet or drawer in my home and see something I'm proud of.

If that is also your goal and you would like a cleaning and organization schedule that won't overwhelm you.  I'm offering the month of January 2024 from my Clean House Calendar Monthly Calendar, Weekly Calendar, and Daily Planner for free.  Just click on the version you would like below.  If you need help printing them, see last year's New Year's post here.

Monthly Calendar

Weekly Calendar

Daily Planner

The Clean House Calendar Spring Cleaning and Oraganization Schedule starts Tuesday, January 2, with the Laundry Room.  Here is a Cleaning Checklist to help you get that done.

Enjoy,  B


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Spring Cleaning Checklists

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