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Brand New Week

Welcome to a brand new week.  It was suggested that I list the time it takes to complete each task beside it in the checklist because the checklist seems a little overwhelming.  So I thought I would do that for the next couple of weeks.  Watch for that each day.

Also, if you aren't using the checklist because your feeling overwhelmed, start small.  Pick either the Morning or Evening section and just do that for a few weeks.  It will eventually become automatic.  And when it does (in about 21 days - they say it takes 21 days to develop a habit) add the next section until it becomes automatic and then add the Anytime section.   

As for me and my progress I would like to report that I am transforming my closets and cabnets one week at a time, the rest of my home is staying much cleaner, and I am feeling much more confident.  My dh had friends over last night and I didn't spend the whole day cleaning.  In fact I only did what was on my checklist yesterday and I played the rest of the day!  No worries.

With that said, here is Monday's list.

Monday, January 25, 2010
Make bed(s). - 3 minutes each
Empty dishwasher. - 5 minutes
Prepare for dinner. -
     This depends, usually this is just a thought' "What's for dinner?,  Do I have everything I need?, Is there anything I need prep now?"  If the answer to this last question is yes then it takes a few minutes if not I'm finished unless I need to run to the store to pick  something up.  And, then I need to plan for that activity.
Kitchen cleanup. - 3 minutes,
      unless I need to prep for dinner and then a little longer.
Check planner. - less than 1 minute
Take vitamins/medication. - less than 1 minute
Start load of laundry. - 3 minutes
Do morning pick-up/straighten. -
     I usually do this at the same time I make the beds and the starred items  below.  On an average day all of this takes 10-15 minutes.  However, I've noticed that I am rather lazy on Sundays so I may have more pick-up than usual on Mondays. Hanging my head in shame.

Bible study/quiet time. - 20-30 minutes
Exercise. - 45-60 minutes
Sort mail/do daily paperwork. - 3-10 minutes,
     depends on how much my dd brings home from school.
*Spot clean bathrooms. - See morning pick-up above.
*Replace towels in bathrooms. - See morning pick-up above.
*Sweep/vacuum. - See morning pick-up above.
Sweep porches. - 5 minutes
Do weekly paperwork. - On average, 20 minutes.
Clean out purse. - 3-5 minutes
Work in basement for 30 minutes. - 30 minutes LOL

Kitchen clean-up. - 5-20 minutes,
     I clean as I cook so it doesn't usually take very long.
Sweep kitchen. - 5 minutes
Empty kitchen trash. - 3 minutes
Start dishwasher. - 1 minute
Replace dish towels. - 1 minute
Finish load of laundry. - 5-10 minutes
Do evening pick-up/straighten. - 3-10 minutes
Check planner. - less that 1 minute
Take vitamins/medication. - less than 1 minute

So there you go. tomorrow's checklist. 

I can't seem to get 4shared to work properly tonight so chek back tomorrow for this week's checklist.


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