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Wednesday is Play Day!

Here is tomorrow's checklist:

Thursday, January 26, 2010

Make bed(s). - 3 minutes each
Empty dishwasher. - 5 minutes
Prepare for dinner. -
     This depends, usually this is just a thought' "What's for dinner?, Do I have everything I need?, Is there anything I need prep now?" If the answer to this last question is yes then it takes a few minutes if not I'm finished unless I need to run to the store to pick something up. And, then I need to plan for that activity.

Kitchen cleanup. - 3 minutes,
     unless I need to prep for dinner, then a little longer.
Check planner. - less than 1 minute
Take vitamins/medication. - less than 1 minute
Start load of laundry. - 3 minutes
Do morning pick-up/straighten. - 10 -15 minutes,
     I usually do this at the same time I make the beds and the stared items below.

Bible study/quiet time. - 20-30 minutes
Exercise. - 45-60 minutes
Sort mail/do daily paperwork. - 3-10 minutes,
     depends on how much my dd brings home from school.
*Spot clean bathrooms. - see morning pick-up above.
*Replace towels in bathrooms. - see morning pick-up above.
Sweep porches. - 5 minutes
Work in basement for 30 minutes. - 30 minutes LOL
Craft/Hobby time - as much time as possible.

Kitchen clean-up. - 5-20 minutes
     I clean as I cook so it doesn't usually take very long.
Sweep kitchen. - 5 minutes
Empty kitchen trash. - 3 minutes
Start dishwasher. - 1 minute
Replace dish towels. - 1 minute
Finish load of laundry. - 5-10 minutes
Do evening pick-up/straighten. - 3-10 minutes
Check planner. - less than 1 minute
Take vitamins/medication. - less that 1 miute

Enjoy! B.


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