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Organization Tuesday

Ok, folks, here's the deal. The original checklist has the master bedroom closet scheduled for cleaning and organization. And my master closet needs it, it really does, but earlier this week I decided to switch that up because the following week is the master bathroom and my dd has early release that day and we have planned a play date with a new friend and I won't have time to get it finished or hardly started. So I decided to do the media closet. However, today I changed my mind. The closet in my scrap room is in dire (I mean dire!) need and I need something out of the top of it before the end of the week as well. So I'm making an executive decision to switch the media closet and the scrap room closet.  I will be lucky if I finish the scrap room closet tomorrow - I'm not expecting to but I can finish before the end of the week and I know I can get the media closet finish in time for my dd play date the following week.  So that's the plan.

And here is tomorrow's checklist:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Make bed(s). - 3 minutes each
Empty dishwasher. - 5 minutes
Prepare for dinner. -
     This depends, usually this is just a thought' "What's for dinner?, Do I have everything I need?, Is there anything I need prep now?" If the answer to this last question is yes then it takes a few minutes if not I'm finished unless I need to run to the store to pick something up. And, then I need to plan for that activity.
Kitchen cleanup. - 3 minutes,
     unless I need to prep for dinner and then a little longer.
Check planner. - less than 1 minute
Take vitamins/medication. - less than 1 minute
Start load of laundry. - 3 minutes
Do morning pick-up/straighten. - 10-15 minutes
     I usually do this at the same time I make the beds and the starred items below.

Bible study/quiet time. - 20-30 minutes
Exercise. - 45-60 minutes
Sort mail/do daily paperwork. - 3-10 minutes,
     depends on how much my dd brings home from school.
*Spot clean bathrooms. - See morning pick-up above.
*Replace towels in bathrooms. - See morning pick-up above.
Clean and organize scrap room closet. - 3-6+ hours
     This closet is packed and a mess!  So it will take me several hours/days to finish.  But I am going to take my time, do it right and make it more useful.

Kitchen clean-up. - 5-20 minutes,
     I clean as I cook so it doesn't usually take very long.
Sweep kitchen. - 5 minutes
Empty kitchen trash. - 3 minutes
Start dishwasher. - 1 minute
Replace dish towels. - 1 minute
Finish load of laundry. - 5-10 minutes
Do evening pick-up/straighten. - 3-10 minutes
Check planner. - less that 1 minute
Take vitamins/medication. - less than 1 minute

Ok gotta go ge the kiddo to bed.

Have a productive day tomorrow, B.


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