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Showing posts from 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Hey all, I know I said that I would post pics fo my reorganized scrap room but I'm not quite finished with it yet and probably won't be until the weekend but I wanted to give you a sneek peek.  First of all I should say that I have been working on my room for a while (years) now and these jars were some of the first additions to my room.  They sat on the floor for a long time but now they have a space, all their own, on top of my bookshelf. And here is the way I am now storing my paper and flat embellishments.  I still have a little work to do on these ( a couple of file boxes don't have end covers.)  But, they're functional.  I love all the pretty colors! Ok, so there is your sneek peek.  I can't wait to finish and show you the rest but today I want to scrap. I'll share my new layouts tomorrow.  B.

Wednesday is Play Day!

Here is tomorrow's checklist: Thursday, January 26, 2010 Morning Make bed(s). - 3 minutes each Empty dishwasher. - 5 minutes Prepare for dinner. -      This depends, usually this is just a thought' "What's for dinner?, Do I have everything I need?, Is there anything I need prep now?" If the answer to this last question is yes then it takes a few minutes if not I'm finished unless I need to run to the store to pick something up. And, then I need to plan for that activity. Kitchen cleanup. - 3 minutes,      unless I need to prep for dinner, then a little longer. Check planner. - less than 1 minute Take vitamins/medication. - less than 1 minute Start load of laundry. - 3 minutes Do morning pick-up/straighten. - 10 -15 minutes,      I usually do this at the same time I make the beds and the stared items below. Anytime Bible study/quiet time. - 20-30 minutes Exercise. - 45-60 minutes Sort mail/do daily paperwork...

Organization Tuesday

Ok, folks, here's the deal. The original checklist has the master bedroom closet scheduled for cleaning and organization. And my master closet needs it, it really does, but earlier this week I decided to switch that up because the following week is the master bathroom and my dd has early release that day and we have planned a play date with a new friend and I won't have time to get it finished or hardly started. So I decided to do the media closet. However, today I changed my mind. The closet in my scrap room is in dire (I mean dire!) need and I need something out of the top of it before the end of the week as well. So I'm making an executive decision to switch the media closet and the scrap room closet.  I will be lucky if I finish the scrap room closet tomorrow - I'm not expecting to but I can finish before the end of the week and I know I can get the media closet finish in time for my dd play date the following week.  So that's the plan. And here is tomorrow...

Brand New Week

Welcome to a brand new week.  It was suggested that I list the time it takes to complete each task beside it in the checklist because the checklist seems a little overwhelming.  So I thought I would do that for the next couple of weeks.  Watch for that each day. Also, if you aren't using the checklist because your feeling overwhelmed, start small.  Pick either the Morning or Evening section and just do that for a few weeks.  It will eventually become automatic.  And when it does (in about 21 days - they say it takes 21 days to develop a habit) add the next section until it becomes automatic and then add the Anytime section.    As for me and my progress I would like to report that I am transforming my closets and cabnets one week at a time, the rest of my home is staying much cleaner, and I am feeling much more confident.  My dh had friends over last night and I didn't spend the whole day cleaning.  In fact I only did what was on...

It's the Weekend!

Here are Saturday and Sunday's checklists: Saturday, January 23, 2010 Morning Make bed(s). Empty dishwasher. Prepare for dinner. Kitchen cleanup. Check planner. Take vitamins/medication. Start load of laundry. Do morning pick-up/straighten. Anytime Bible study/quiet time. Exercise. Sort mail/do daily paperwork. Spot clean bathrooms. Replace towels in bathrooms. Clean porches/patios/decks. Sort recycling. Evening Kitchen clean-up. Sweep kitchen. Empty kitchen trash. Start dishwasher. Replace dish towels. Finish load of laundry. Do evening pick-up/straighten. Check planner. Take vitamins/medication. Sunday, January 24, 2010 Morning Make bed(s). Empty dishwasher. Prepare for dinner. Kitchen cleanup. Check planner. Take vitamins/medication. Start load of laundry. Do morning pick-up/straighten. Church Anytime Bible study/quiet time. Exercise. Sort mail/do daily paperwork. Spot clean bathrooms. Replace towels in bathrooms. Clip the kid...

This Week's Progress

Following the Clean House Plan, Tuesday is Organization Day.  That means that every Tuesday we clean and organize one area in our homes.  Last Tuesday was the coat closet which as you will soon see is also my broom closet.  So here we go with the pictures. This is the shelf before. The hanging space before. The floor before. And here are the afters. The shelf space after. The hanging space after. This closet is used as coat storage (the ones we don't use on a daily basis) and as a broom closet. And finally the floor after. How much nicer was that.  I moved all the cleanning supplies that I use on a weekly/daily basis to my cabnets in the laundry room.  After I cleaned and organized in there a couple of weeks ago I found some extra space.  My cleaning supplies that I use most often are more readily accessible located there.  Before I just had my brooms and other stuff leaned up against a corner.  ...

Quick Thursday's Checklist

Here ya go: Thursday, January 21, 2010 Morning Change bed(s). Empty dishwasher. Prepare for dinner. Kitchen cleanup. Check planner. Take vitamins/medication. Start load of laundry. Do morning pick-up/straighten. Anytime Bible study/quiet time. Exercise. Sort mail/do daily paperwork. Replace bedding. Dust. Wash mirrors & smudged windows. Clean bathrooms. Replace towels in bathrooms. Clean out refrigerator. Clean microwave. Clean stove top. Clean exterior of all appliances. Sweep/vacuum/mop floors. Empty vacuum. Empty trash. Plan weekly menu/shopping list. Evening Kitchen clean-up. Sweep kitchen. Empty kitchen trash. Start dishwasher. Replace dish towels. Finish load of laundry. Do evening pick-up/straighten. Check planner. Take vitamins/medication. Have a great day! B.

Wednesday's Checklist

Hey everyone!  Today was a great day.  I finished everything on the checklist and picked up a couple of things I didn't do yesterday.  I didn't get to work on the media closet today but I did finish the coat closet.  As it turns out the light fixture in the closet needs to be changed out so I can't take picutres very well tonight so I will upload those tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow it is craft and hobby day!  Yipee! Here's the checklist: Morning Make bed(s). Empty dishwasher. Prepare for dinner. Kitchen cleanup. Check planner. Take vitamins/medication. Start load of laundry. Do morning pick-up/straighten. Anytime Bible study/quiet time. Exercise. Sort mail/do daily paperwork. Spot clean bathrooms. Replace towels in bathrooms. Sweep porches. Work in basement for 30 minutes. Craft/Hobby time Evening Kitchen clean-up. Sweep kitchen. Empty kitchen trash. Start dishwasher. Replace dish towels. Finish load of laundry. Do ev...

Holiday Weekend

Sorry I missed getting today's checklist out.  I will try to do better.  If you would like to download the entire week's you can do that here .  I played this weekend.  I had most of 4 days to scrapbook and I managed to get 5 layouts finished.  Yea Me!  Anyway,  I thought I would share a couple of the layouts with you.  So here ya go. These are pics of my dd making Valentines for Daddy and her grandparents in 2005.  Ok, so I'm a little behind.  Thus the reason I need to spend time scraping and catching up. This are pictures from 2009 and the flowers a little boy in her Kindergaren class sent her. And finally some shots from last summer.  After seeing Peter Pan the Musical and going to the Crazy Horse Monument all in one week she was quite interested in Indians and her own Native American heritage.  One day she walk into my scraproom with her Pocahontas costume on and her face painted in maker and w...

Weekend Update

Hey, hey boys and girls, I know I've been MIA the last couple of days and I don't want to spend a lot of time online today so here are today and tomorrow's checklists. Saturday, January 16, 2010 Morning Make bed(s). Empty dishwasher. Prepare for dinner. Kitchen cleanup. Check planner. Take vitamins/medication. Start load of laundry. Do morning pick-up/straighten. Anytime Bible study/quiet time. Exercise. Sort mail/do daily paperwork. Spot clean bathrooms. Replace towels in bathrooms. Clean porches/patios/decks. Sort recycling. Evening Kitchen clean-up. Sweep kitchen. Empty kitchen trash. Start dishwasher. Replace dish towels. Finish load of laundry. Do evening pick-up/straighten. Check planner. Take vitamins/medication.   Sunday, January 17, 2010   Morning Make bed(s). Empty dishwasher. Prepare for dinner. Kitchen cleanup. Check planner. Take vitamins/medication. Start load of laundry. Do morning pick-up/straighten. Church ...

Thursday's Checklist

Here's tomorrow's checklist: Morning Change bed(s). Empty dishwasher. Prepare for dinner. Kitchen cleanup. Check planner. Take vitamins/medication. Start load of laundry. Do morning pick-up/straighten. Anytime Bible study/quiet time. Exercise. Sort mail/do daily paperwork. Replace bedding. Dust. Wash mirrors & smudged windows. Clean bathrooms. Replace towels in bathrooms. Clean out refrigerator. Clean microwave. Clean stove top. Clean exterior of all appliances. Sweep/vacuum/mop floors. Empty vacuum. Empty trash. Plan weekly menu/shopping list. Evening Kitchen clean-up. Sweep kitchen. Empty kitchen trash. Start dishwasher. Replace dish towels. Finish load of laundry. Do evening pick-up/straighten. Check planner. Take vitamins/medication. Enjoy, B.

My Progress

I didn't get a chance yesterday to update you on my progress.  So I'm doing it now.  Yesterday, was the weekly paperwork day.  I hadn't cleaned out this area of my desk in quite some time and I don't know about you but for me this is a dumping ground.  Anything I don't want to deal with right away or I just want off the rest of my desk gets stuck in the top tray of my organizer.  And as you can see from the pictures below a lot of other stuff gets stuck in other areas as well. Here is what it looks like now. So much nicer.  I just hope I can keep it that way.  By eliminating several items in the vertical files area I found a location for the books I'm reading at the moment and so I was able to get rid of pile on my desk.  Yippee!  More space to scrap! Ok, now on to today's project.  This weeks area to organize was the linen closet.  I forgot to take a before picture but here is my after. The floor looks pretty ...

Tuesday's Checklist

Today's Checklist is: Morning Make bed(s). Empty dishwasher. Prepare for dinner. Kitchen cleanup. Check planner. Take vitamins/medication. Start load of laundry. Do morning pick-up/straighten. Anytime Bible study/quiet time. Exercise. Sort mail/do daily paperwork. Spot clean bathrooms. Replace towels in bathrooms. Clean & organize the linen closet. Evening Kitchen clean-up. Sweep kitchen. Empty kitchen trash. Start dishwasher. Replace dish towels. Finish load of laundry. Do evening pick-up/straighten. Check planner. Take vitamins/medication

New Week

Welcome to Monday and a new week.  I'm looking forward to getting the things accomplished this week that I skipped last week.  Namely clearing out all the paperwork on my desk and spending a lot of time in the basement.  Also coming up this week is the linen closet.  Mine is getting really scary, you'll see, I'll show you pictures on Tuesday.  This weekend I worked on getting my desk cleared off.  I had a stack about 18 inches high of memoribila that needed to be scrapbooked with pictures.  I managed to get 14 layouts planned and the pictures for those edited.  (No papers got pulled though.)  I have about 10 left to do but I am making progress.  I hope to have those finished by bedtime tomorrow.  I can't wait to actually start scrappin' on Wednesday. So here is tomorrow's checklist. Monday, January 11, 2010 Morning Make bed(s). Empty dishwasher. Prepare for dinner. Kitchen cleanup. Check planner. Take vitamins/medicat...

The Weekend

Well once again my dd was out of school.  It's been kinda nice because we have pretty much just stayed around the house and took it easy.  It seems like we really didn't get to do that during her winter break so we've been catching up on goofing off.  We did run our errands and go to the store today but took the rest of the day easy.  I love having time built in to my schedule to pamper myself and play.  Today I took a nap and read.  What did you do for fun today? I'm going to post the checklists for Saturday and Sunday tonight because I may not get the chance tomorrow.  So here you go. Saturday, January 9, 2010 Morning Make bed(s). Empty dishwasher. Prepare for dinner. Kitchen cleanup. Check planner. Take vitamins/medication. Start load of laundry. Do morning pick-up/straighten. Anytime Bible study/quiet time. Exercise. Sort mail/do daily paperwork. Spot clean bathrooms. Replace towels in bathrooms. Clean porches/patios/decks. ...

Friday's Checklist

Today was a really good day.  My dd didn't have school so we slept in and then I completed today's checklist at a slower pace than normal.  Her after school activities were cancelled as well so I didn't have a deadline when I had to be finished.  I also got some help from her.  Yippee!  So it's on to tomorrow and the weekend. Here's Friday's Checklist: Friday, January 8, 2010 Morning Make bed(s). Empty dishwasher. Prepare for dinner. Kitchen cleanup. Check planner. Take vitamins/medication. Start load of laundry. Do morning pick-up/straighten. Anytime Bible study/quiet time. Exercise. Sort mail/do daily paperwork. Spot clean bathrooms. Replace towels in bathrooms. Do grocery shopping. Run errands. Fill car. Clean car. Work in basement for 30 minutes. Pamper yourself. Craft/hobby time. Evening Kitchen clean-up. Sweep kitchen. Empty kitchen trash. Start dishwasher. Replace dish towels. Finish load of laundry. Do evening pick-...

Thursday's Checklist

I hope you enjoy your Wednesday.  I did a lot of goofing around.  I didn't get any scrappin' done but I enjoyed may day all the same. So here's tomorrow's checklist: Thursday, January 7, 2010 Morning Change bed(s). Empty dishwasher. Prepare for dinner. Kitchen cleanup. Check planner. Take vitamins/medication. Start load of laundry. Do morning pick-up/straighten. Anytime Bible study/quiet time. Exercise. Sort mail/do daily paperwork. Replace bedding. Dust. Wash mirrors & smudged windows. Clean bathrooms. Replace towels in bathrooms. Clean out refrigerator. Clean microwave. Clean stove top. Clean exterior of all appliances. Sweep/vacuum/mop floors. Empty vacuum. Empty trash. Plan weekly menu/shopping list. Evening Kitchen clean-up. Sweep kitchen. Empty kitchen trash. Start dishwasher. Replace dish towels. Finish load of laundry. Do evening pick-up/straighten. Check planner. Take vitamins/medication. I know this is a long li...

Laundry/Mud Room Before & After

I'm so excited my laundry room is clean and organized!  Yippee!  This room had been begging for some TLC and today it got.  So, ya wanna see?  Here you go. This is the mud room area before. Yes, those are swim noodles.  Yes, it is January and the temp today was a whopping 15 degrees. And here is the after. neat. Here is the laundry area. A couple of months ago I did manage to do a little decluttering here and it has stayed that way pretty well. Here's the after. This is the before of the cabinet above my washer. And the after. The cabinet above the dryer before. And after.  I haven't been keeping my cleaning supplies in this room but I think have enough space for those in here now. So, that's it. TaaDaa!  For those who may want to know.  I picked up the baskets from Wal-mart a few years ago.  They may still carry them, I'm not sure.  I made my own lables out of cardstock and ti...

Confession Time

Ok, so I have to confess,  I spent too much time online this morning and didn't get all of my list completed.  I didn't get down into the basement today and my pile of paperwork was untouched.  Oh well, its a work in progress and I'm a work in progress.  My checklist for Saturday and Sunday are light so I can pick up what I don't get done then or just wait until next week.  The paperwork is a weekly activity and the basement is ongoing. So are you ready for tomorrow?  I'm kinda excited for tomorrow, because each Tuesday is organization day for a new room or closet and tomorrow is the laundry room.  I have been walking through this room for awhile now thinking "I have to get this picked up and better organized."  So tomorrow is the day!  I will try to post pictures tomorrow evening. I had a comment about the checklist being a bit overwhelming.  Please don't let it be.  Make quick work of it and don't let other things th...

Welcome to The Clean House

Welcome to The Clean House.  I have been playing around for a while with this idea of editing a blog about having a clean and organized home.  I know there are those of you out there who have been to my home and will say to yourself, possibly others and maybe even me, "She has no business writing a blog about having a clean and organized home."  And, you may be right.  But, my house is clean and organized by most peoples standards and my goal is to live in a home that is show ready at all times.  Thus, the reason for this blog.  I have a plan to get my home cleaned and organized enough that everyone, even Martha would say I have a right to write this blog.  And, I thought I would share it.  You are more than welcome to join me in this little adventure to tidiness or just peek in to see how I'm doing. Before I start I need to give credit to a few people.  First, Flylady .  She and her team turned me on to the idea of routines....