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Holiday Weekend

Sorry I missed getting today's checklist out.  I will try to do better.  If you would like to download the entire week's you can do that here

I played this weekend.  I had most of 4 days to scrapbook and I managed to get 5 layouts finished.  Yea Me!  Anyway,  I thought I would share a couple of the layouts with you.  So here ya go.

These are pics of my dd making Valentines for Daddy and her grandparents in 2005.  Ok, so I'm a little behind.  Thus the reason I need to spend time scraping and catching up.

This are pictures from 2009 and the flowers a little boy in her Kindergaren class sent her.

And finally some shots from last summer.  After seeing Peter Pan the Musical and going to the Crazy Horse Monument all in one week she was quite interested in Indians and her own Native American heritage.  One day she walk into my scraproom with her Pocahontas costume on and her face painted in maker and wanted her picture taken as Tiger Lilly - the Indian girl in Peter Pan.

So there you go, a few of my weekend adventures.

I've got to get back at it tomorrow.  Tomorrow is Tuesday - Organization Day.  We're in the coat closet tomorrow.

Here's the checklist:


Make bed(s).
Empty dishwasher.
Prepare for dinner.
Kitchen cleanup.
Check planner.
Take vitamins/medication.
Start load of laundry.
Do morning pick-up/straighten.

Bible study/quiet time.
Sort mail/do daily paperwork.
Spot clean bathrooms.
Replace towels in bathrooms.
Clean & organize coat closet.

Kitchen clean-up.
Sweep kitchen.
Empty kitchen trash.
Start dishwasher.
Replace dish towels.
Finish load of laundry.
Do evening pick-up/straighten.
Check planner.
Take vitamins/medication.

I think if I have time I will also work on the Media closet tomorrow.  I would like to have that nice and neat before the Superbowl as our DVR is not working properly and we have to have the closet door open to watch TV and we're having a party again this year.

Ok, gotta go.  Have a great day tomorrow.  B.


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